Friday April 8th 2022
Great session
09h00 : Opening session of the congress.
Dr Pierre-Jean MONTEYROL, Dr Darius ABEDIPOUR, Dr Pierre EL CHATER
09h10 : SAS medical care : present and future prospects of connected devices!
Pr Pierre ESCOURROU (Paris)
09h30 : Contribution of the PPC in TROS of children.
Dr Fouad GHARBI (Pau)
09h50 : Nose in OSA: role of nasal dysfunctions in obstructive sleep disordered breathing.
Pr Armin MONIRI (University of Gothenburg, Sweden and University of Algarve, Portugal)
10h10 : Early detection of future apneic, facial growth and nasal regulation.
Dr Pierre-Jean MONTEYROL (Bordeaux)
10h30 : Facial and nasal changes in adolescents: therapeutic perspectives.
Dr Michèle HERVY(Paris)
11h00 – 11h30 : Coffee break & Partners exhibition
11h30 : Mandibular orthosis in 2022, how it’s work?
Dr Gilles BESNAINOU (Paris)
11h50 : The aging of the nose and OSA.
Pr François DISANT (Lyon)
12h10 : Phenotypic approach of OSA : new pathways for targeted therapy.
Dr Venkata KOKA (Paris)
12h30 : Upper airway surgery for OSA : a targeted approach.
Pr Andrea De VITO (Ravenna – Italia)
12h30 – 14h00 : Lunch break
14h00 : Minimal-invasive nose gestures in OSAHS.
Dr Nicolas BECK (Dijon)
14h20 : SAS & Cancers A crucial clinical phenotype distinction : the role of sleeping position on sleep apnea.
Dr Françoise DURAND (Paris)
14h40 : «Stop think and sleep!» The sleep of the ADHD teenager.
Dr Domitille ROCHE (Lyon)
15h00 : Follow-up of a child after treatment of OSAHS and procedures to be followed in case of failure or recurrence of adenoido-tonsillectomy.
Dr Mohamed AKKARI (Montpellier)
15h20 : Neuropathy in OSAS, what are we talking about?.
Dr Agathe BRIDOUX (Lyon)
15h40 : Myofacial rehabilitation at the heart of the fight against OSAS.
Mme Sylvie DEVULDER (Lyon)
16h10 – 16h30 : Coffee break & Partners exhibition
16h30 : “My loves… my troubles!” Or orthosis with or without VOD, with or without Joint Pathology.
Dr Jean ABOUCHARD (Poitiers)
17h00 : Sex and OSA.
Dr Lily ABEDIPOUR (London – GB)
17h30 : 5-year follow-up of total edentulous patient under orthosis.
Dr Bernard PETRIAT (Pau)
18h00 : Closing plenary
Saturday April 09th 2022
Plenary session and workshop session 09h00 – 13h00
09h30 : SAS and pregnancy : what to do in the medical office?
Dr Nathalie AISENBERG (Paris)
10h00 : A crucial clinical phenotype distinction : the role of sleeping position on sleep apnea.
Dr Madeline RAVESLOOT (Amsterdam – Holland)
10h30 : Oral appliance treatment for obstructive sleep apnea : past, present and future.
Pr Armin MONIRI (University of Gothenburg, Sweden and University of Algarve, Portugal)
11h00 – 11h30 : Coffee break & Partners exhibition
11h30 : New technics of maxillo mandibular advancement surgery in OSA.
Pr Lars RASMUSSON (Göteborg, Suède)
12h00 : Physiopathology of the upper airways and modelling of their collapse.
Dr Pierre EL CHATER (Dubai – EAU) et Dr Darius ABEDIPOUR (Lyon)